Peer Review Process

Blind Review

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) uses the blind peer review process to facilitate the reviewing process of all articles. The blinded review means all authors do not know who reviewers will review the articles to avoid the conflict of interest. The editor will assign two reviewers who have no conflict of interest with the authors.

Peer Review Process

The editor of international Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) will assign two reviewers. All reviewers will be notified by email of an invitation to review a journal articles. Reviewers click the hyperlink and send the response to the editorial office as an agree or disagree of invitation from editorial office.

The first step of reviewing process, the editorial will screen the manuscript. If the manuscript passes the first editorial review, the manuscript will be sent to external reviewer for blind peer review. In case, if any conflict of interest during process of asking to review the manuscript, the reviewers are requested to decline to review the manuscript

Reviewers who agree to review the manuscript will be asked to provide a critical critical assessment and suggestion on improving the content of the manuscript. The reviewers also will check the grammatically errors of the writing. If they found the errors, they will suggest to edit and improve the writing. Reviewers are also required to make a decision of each articles as follows

Review Decision Process

After completing the review process, the decision of each articles will be provided. We decide to accept or reject for each articles based on the comments from the reviewers. We also make attention of article revise version that authors fulfil the comments from the reviewers.  

The decision of editor as follows:

1) Accept the manuscript without revisions,

2) Invite authors to resubmit the manuscript after minor or major revisions while the final decision is kept pending, or

3) Reject the manuscript.