Advisory Board
- Suhartini Ismail, SKp., M.N.S., PhD, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Science at Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia
Editor in Chief
- Dr. P.H Rian Adi Pamungkas, S. Kep. Ns M.N.S. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences at Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta, Indonesia
Associated Editor
- Andi Mayasari Usman, S. Kep. Ns., M.Kep. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science at Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia
- Dayan Hisni, S. Kep. Ns., M.N.S. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science at Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia
- Abdurrasyid, S. Kep. Ns., M.Kep., Sp. Kep Kom. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science at Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta, Indonesia
- Nur. Aisyah, S. Kep. Ns., M.Kes. Institut Kesehatan dan Bisnis St. Fatimah Mamuju, Indonesia
- Prio Sasmito, S. Kep. Ns., M.Kes. Department of Nursing, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu KesehatanYarsi Pontianak, Indonesia
- Muh. Syikir, S. Kep. Ns. Department of Nursing at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bina Generasi Polewali Mandar, Indonesia
- Andi Sri Hastuti Handayani Usman, S.St., M.Keb. Akademi Kebidanan Paramata Raha, Kendari, Indonesia
- Fahrianto Slamet, S.Kep
- Hurul Auni Usman, S.Hut